Apollo Moon Missions To The Moon 1968 - 1972

Apollo Moon Mission 1968 - 1972
Apollo Moon Mission 1968 - 1972
Aldrin Gazes at Tranquility Base
Astronaut and Lunar Module pilot Buzz Aldrin is pictured during the Apollo 11 extravehicular activity on the moon. He had just deployed the Early Apollo Scientific Experiments Package. In the foreground is the Passive Seismic Experiment Package; beyond it is the Laser Ranging Retro-Reflector (LR-3). In the left background is the black and white lunar surface television camera and in the far right background is the Lunar Module "Eagle." Mission commander Neil Armstrong took this photograph with the 70mm lunar surface camera.
The LR-3 experiment has produced many important measurements that have improved our knowledge of changes of the Earth's rotation and have been used to test Einstein's Theory of Relativity. The LR-3, which consists of a series of corner-cube reflectors composed of a special type of mirror that always reflecting an incoming light beam back in the direction from which it came, is the only Apollo experiment that is still returning data from the moon.
Apollo 11 landed on the lunar surface 38 years ago today on July 20, 1969. For more information on the Apollo Program, visit http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/apollo/index.html. For information on other historical missions, visit http://www.nasa.gov/missions/past/index.html.
Image credit: NASA
Driving on the Moon
Apollo 17 mission commander Eugene A. Cernan makes a short checkout of the Lunar Roving Vehicle during the early part of the first Apollo 17 extravehicular activity at the Taurus-Littrow landing site. This view of the lunar rover prior to loadup was taken by Harrison H. Schmitt, Lunar Module pilot. The mountain in the right background is the east end of South Massif.
Image credit: NASA NASA Apollo Moon Mission 1968 - USA Flag ( Old Glory)
USA - NASA Apollo Mission To The Moon - Closeup photograph with Astronaut holding container of moon dirt. Reflection shows second NASA Astronaut
USA/NASA - Apollo Moon Missions 1968-1972

USA/NASA Apollo Moon Missions 1968-1972
Above: 1968 NASA Apollo Moon Mission Christmas
Silvia Stagg For President...2011-2032...until we get there! Democrat or Republican
Upon being voted into office of the Presidency, and upon being duly sworn by a US Supreme Court Justice into office by taking the Oath of Office (at the White House), I, Silvia Stagg, as United States President, shall immediately sign into Executive Order and later into Codified Law, and Perform Life Extension Healings of what we refer to as the World's HUMAN Population (Animal/Marine Life as well), Consisting of:
(1) At least a Disability Healing for Age for All Minority Persons (with exceptions for Murderous-Voluntary Manslaughter-Espionage-Black Ops Mind Turn Perpetrators), and
(2) a Life Extension Healing for Age or a Life Extension Healing to Twenty One years of Age with Excellent Health For Age for All Lawful (Non Murderous-Non Voluntary Manslaughter-Non Espionage) White Christian European Descent Race Persons, and
(3) a Disability Healing for Age, For Non Lawful White Christian European Descent Race Persons (with exceptions for Murderous-Voluntary Manslaughter-Black Ops Mind Turn-Espionage Perpetrators), and
(4) White Christian European Descent Race Persons who are truly physically Disabled/Handicapped, Retarded or Seriously Autistic Adults are given Latitude since they are often targeted to commit heinous criminal offenses (handled case by case), and
(5) We may grant additional Latitude to White Christian European Descent Race Children under eighteen (18) who have been targeted to perpetrate violent offenses (handled case by case), and
The Government of the United States of America, the Lawful People of the United States of America as National Security Witnesses, and myself shall determine the legal status of each person worldwide regarding bestowing Infinite Life Extension on each person.
(4) White Christian European Descent Race Persons who are truly physically Disabled/Handicapped, Retarded or Seriously Autistic Adults are given Latitude since they are often targeted to commit heinous criminal offenses (handled case by case), and
(5) We may grant additional Latitude to White Christian European Descent Race Children under eighteen (18) who have been targeted to perpetrate violent offenses (handled case by case), and
The Government of the United States of America, the Lawful People of the United States of America as National Security Witnesses, and myself shall determine the legal status of each person worldwide regarding bestowing Infinite Life Extension on each person.
Additionally, on the same day, I, Silvia Stagg after being sworn into the office of the US Presidency, I will commence dissemination of 'Make Pristine the World I, Make Pristine the World II, and Make Pristine the World III (Includes Most Trusted Programs such as: Hubusa-Spacehubusa-Spacecityusa-Moonbaseusa-Spacestationusa) after performing expeditious and thorough environmental, stress-weight, functional, human, and infinity series impact studies.
Silvia Stagg
A Good Gnome Individual
National Security Victim Witness
Filed with (US DOJ) US Department of Justice since December 1994, et al, etc.
US Presidential Candidate
Filed with Federal Election Commission (FEC) and US Office of Government Ethics since August 4-2011
Republican - Democrat - Write In - Independent Candidate!
A Good Gnome Individual
National Security Victim Witness
Filed with (US DOJ) US Department of Justice since December 1994, et al, etc.
US Presidential Candidate
Filed with Federal Election Commission (FEC) and US Office of Government Ethics since August 4-2011
Republican - Democrat - Write In - Independent Candidate!
Copies Welcomed To Promote Most Trusted Programs and Silvia Stagg's Candidacy
US DOJ - US Congress Copyright Protected
US DOJ - US Congress Copyright Protected
Most Trusted Programs created by Silvia Stagg
Most Trusted Programs created by Silvia Stagg
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Other Most Trusted Programs
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Other Most Trusted Programs
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gmail.com: silviastaggforpresident@gmail.com
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Silvia Stagg Telephone: 716-251-3435
Direct Web Access: http://silviastaggforpresident.tumblr.com
StumbleUpon.com: @ silvia stagg
Mashable.com @ silviastagg
Ustream.com @ silvia stagg
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supervoters.org @ silviastaggforpresident
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gmail.com: silviastaggforpresident@gmail.com
mail.com: silviastagg@gmail.com
aol.com: silviastagg@aol.com
yahoo.com: staggsilvia@yahoo.com
Silvia Stagg Telephone: 716-251-3435
Direct Web Access: http://silviastaggforpresident.tumblr.com
Google+ @ silvia stagg
Facebook.com @ silvia.stagg.1
Linkedin.com @ silvia stagg
Twitter.com @ silvia_stagg
Twitter.com: @ SilviaStagg2
Facebook.com @ silvia.stagg.1
Linkedin.com @ silvia stagg
Twitter.com @ silvia_stagg
Twitter.com: @ SilviaStagg2
StumbleUpon.com: @ silvia stagg
Mashable.com @ silviastagg
Ustream.com @ silvia stagg
Youtube.com: http://www.youtube.com/user/silviastagg
supervoters.org @ silviastaggforpresident
votizen.com @ silviastagg
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http://teapartynation.com/ @ silvia stagg - http://rncwomen.com/ @ silvia stagg
http://teapartynation.com/ @ silvia stagg - http://rncwomen.com/ @ silvia stagg
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